
Showing posts from May, 2023

Si nosti

Si nosti The ancients worked in sticks and stones. We find their points, we find their bones. We find the remnants of their homes In the custom of their time. Stone circles that abound the Isles Were made in different standing styles. But none were made by idle chance. They made the giants' dance. Huts and cairns and passage tombs, Cooking, sleeping, meeting rooms, Piled up rubble so they say But look a world away In the hills of Anatolia's south Reaching toward the rivers' mouth Great temples rose from dust and clay. Carved stones of massive size. Brave hunters with their shafts and bows Killed food and skins for tents and clothes, While priests in temples to the sun Made glorious sacrifice. While men of Neolithic skills Made all life's needs from what they killed The temples in Anatolia's hills Made time and distance cry.

What if it's Just a Handbag? (part two of a series: What came before Genesis?)

  I believe it is quite comical sometimes when we look at art, writing, or other artifacts from a foreign land or a forgotten time, and instead of examining the evidence with our vast store of accessible contextual knowledge, we settle on conclusions that will titillate and tantalize the viewer, listener or reader. The image above is, of course, a montage of photos of Her Majesty Elizabeth II of Great Britain.  It is clear that she is holding what appears to be an ordinary handbag.  The keen observer will note that he has seen images like this over the years.  In fact, it seems that almost every time Her Majesty has appeared in public, she has been holding a similar handbag in a similar fashion, on her left wrist, her right hand over the left.  She is not smiling in any of the images. Compare that with these three images of the late Queen.  The left one is in the same handbag position, but the other two are different from it and from each other.  She is smiling in all three images. Pre
I wrote this almost seven years ago when my first grandchild was born.  I revised it when my daughter first gave birth.  I offer it once again on the occasion of Tyler and Jen's first child.
Only Children – Jason Isbell   Walking around at night Fighting my appetite Every kid in cut-offs could be you   Remember when we used to meet At the bottom of Mobile Street Do what the broken people do   Are you still taking notes? The Holy Ghost could get inside you You do whatever you put your mind to Will you read me what you wrote? When we were locked outside the building Over-encouraged only children   Cold coffee on the fire escape We bet it all on a demo tape When we still had something left to steal   Remember when we took too much To get a little of the human touch Hand to mouth and reel to reel   And are you still taking notes? Hydrocodone in your backpack Maybe these words will hold the beast back Will you read me what you wrote? The one I said you stole from Dylan Over-encouraged only children   "Heaven's wasted on the dead" That's what your mama said And the hearse was idling in the parking lot She said you thought the world of me And you were glad to s

It Might All Just be One Really Long Story With a Lot of Digressions (part one of a series: What came before Genesis?)

Image:  Encyclopedia Britannica This extremely LONG post will raise a number of sometimes uncomfortable questions and will offer few answers.   Many of these questions have remained unanswered for thousands of years and I am certainly not smart enough to believe I know all the answers.  For convenience, I am including citations from religious and history websites as well as books and scholarly papers.  At the end, I am including a list of suggested further reading.  I am trying not to cite things that will be hard to find for people who do not collect theology books.  Also, I will support my arguments, but I have no desire and will make no attempt to convince anyone of anything or to debate or defend my opinions. General but important disclaimer:  In this post, I will refer to both Christian and Jewish traditions, interpretations, and dogma.  I am not an expert in theology, but I pay attention.  I must point out, by way of full disclosure, that I was not brought up in, nor had formal t
  All in All             © William T. Orr, Jr.                     5/2/2023   All in all, I can't complain, but that don't mean I won't. There's things that sometimes go my way and other things that don't. The days, they say, go up and down, and ‘round and ‘round the years. And sometimes it’s a damned hard thing to recognize my fears.   Some days I feel like getting up; some days I just feel down I get up just the same and try to turn it all around Some days I try to find a way to bring some change about, To find some magic potion that make it all work out.   It’s hard to see that this wide world once seemed a simple place And now it seems the whole damn thing is one great big disgrace. From what I see, the thing to do is avoid the line of fire And stay away from people who are sure to raise my ire.   The wolf will howl, the snake will crawl, the owl hunts all night long You’ve got sense and you know what is right and what is wrong So, keep your head down, mind
The Reasoner's Lament                  5/4/2023 I once believed what people said about the Lord and such, But I have paid attention, too, and they don’t know that much. The preacher preaches everything that’s in the Bible’s true, But I can tell you, now, my friend, that he’s deluded too. Chorus Look up and tell me, now, what do you see? I see the sun in the sky And at night, all I see are the moon and the stars There are no flying angels on high So believe what you’re told and you won’t have to think You won’t have to trouble your brain Just repeat what they tell you have to believe And you can sleep well once again People say they are sure of just what they believe, But ask a question they don’t know and they get up and leave. If all your faith is all that sure, why do you evade The simplest question put to you in every case I’ve made? Chorus Look up and tell me, now, what do you see? I see the sun in the sky And at night, all I see are the moon and the stars There are no flying a