Si nosti
Si nosti
The ancients worked in sticks and stones.
We find their points, we find their bones.
We find the remnants of their homes
In the custom of their time.
Stone circles that abound the Isles
Were made in different standing styles.
But none were made by idle chance.
They made the giants' dance.
Huts and cairns and passage tombs,
Cooking, sleeping, meeting rooms,
Piled up rubble so they say
But look a world away
In the hills of Anatolia's south
Reaching toward the rivers' mouth
Great temples rose from dust and clay.
Carved stones of massive size.
Brave hunters with their shafts and bows
Killed food and skins for tents and clothes,
While priests in temples to the sun
Made glorious sacrifice.
While men of Neolithic skills
Made all life's needs from what they killed
The temples in Anatolia's hills
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