Who Wrote the Bible Anyway?

Image: Our Savior Lutheran Church I suppose that most of us who attended Sunday School or Hebrew School as children at some point wondered who actually wrote the books that were compiled into what we refer to as The Bible. I do not remember much about what we were taught but have a vague recollection that we were taught that Moses wrote the Old Testament, that the disciples, Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John wrote the Gospels, and the Apostle Paul wrote the Epistles. It was pretty simple. Image: Amazon There were many Bible-story books and some pretty good stories. None of the chronology or geography came into the picture, however. It seems that the adults did not think it was important or more likely that they had no idea about these things. If you start asking too many questions, Sunday School teachers get very nervous. I suppose I was an adult when I first seriously asked myself who actually wrote these books and how they were put togethe...