The Single Most Important Document in Western Culture

Image: Reuters Since I began to study the origins and evolution of Abrahamic religions, I have encountered what are to me, two extreme views of the Bible as it has come down to us. The first of these views is that the Bible, whether the Hebrew Bible or the Christian Bible is the absolute word of the God of creation, emancipation, and salvation for the world and that it is inerrant, unchanged, and cannot be challenged in its historic and theological accuracy. This view might be best represented by such people as Kenneth Ham, the creator of the Ark Encounter in Williamstown, Kentucky. The Ark Encounter is a tourist attraction that explains and illustrates one of the flood narratives in the Book of Genesis (there are two). It features a life-sized ark, built of wood, and inside contains exhibits such as one showing how dinosaurs were included among the passengers of Noah's Ark. An interesting side note here is that the dinosaurs depicted appear to be the Quetzalcoat...